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"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Foto del escritor: FridaNotKahloFridaNotKahlo

One can utilize the animal subjectivity examined with Lispector in this text because the idea of ecological thought breaks the idea that the world is divided between nature and human civilization. The story evidence the thesis "I propose that the ecological sensibility in García Márquez is a direct consequence of his commitment to examining the ways in which inequality has been produced historically in Latin America" when el parroco checked on the supposed angel, while they did not had any proof that he was one, they had him in poor conditions. It means that something is not worth for caring about when is not better than a human being "prometió escribir una carta a su obispo, para que éste escribiera otra al Sumo Pontífice, de modo que el veredicto final viniera de los tribunales más altos." This is reflected when we make policies without taking into account the animals and other beings (since they don't have conscience). The unequal position that we give to nature in front of "people" is a consequence of how we always tempt to rank every aspect of life, is the reason of why nature is taken as an object of policies and not as a thing that is right here next to us. Therefore, as one can examine in the text, categorizing someone is important to the community because that is the only way one knows what rights does he/she has.

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