The movement modernism can be considered as the first literate movement started in Latin America around the XIX and XX century. "Un salto en el logro de consolidar una literatura propia que por su calidad y profundidad fue capaz de motivar la reflexión sobre nuestra realidad..." (Ullóa) Darío portrayed this by expressing in the lecture how we in Latin America love, which is one of the key principles of modernism. It is described by Darío as a contradiction to the traditional forms of poetry, he said "...que había caído en fórmulas vacías carentes de expresión." (Ullóa) In the text he describes feelings like jealousy, a strong feeling, that represents way of loving that is rarely approved.
Unifying the ideas that my classmate represented, aesthetics and "the getting away from reality" factor, are main characteristics of this revolutionary movement. Ruben Darío captured this essence beautifully in the text, an example is
"Se le sacaba de la jaula, revolaba por el saloncito azulado, se detenía en la cabeza de un Apolo de yeso, o en la frámea de un viejo germano de bronce oscuro.
Tiiiiiirit... rrrrrrich... fiii... "
Modernism is also describes as cosmopolita and attracted to whats exotic, as we previously saw in Martís text, when Darío talks about his friend bringing him a gift from a trip to Egypt he is being guided by these ideas.